The Swim Professor

Jim Reiser, M.S.

Tips from the new Butterfly 301 DVD

How to Teach the Butterfly Stroke

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit
If you would like a creative way to teach Butterfly to young children (ages 4 – 12), this article is for you! Jim Reiser, “The Swim Professor,” will share a few creative, and easy steps from his brand new DVD on teaching butterfly to get you started.


  1. Have your young student(s) lay on their stomach on the deck. Their arms should be at their sides, thumbs down, pinky side of the hand up.
  2. Say to your students, “I want you to pretend you are a “caterpillar.” We’ll call this position (with their arms at their sides) the caterpillar position.”
  3. Say to your students, “Now I want you to slowly move your arms forward, keeping, your thumbs down, and pretend that you’re changing from a caterpiller into a butterfly.”
  4. Say to your students, “I want you to stop moving your arms when they get in front of your shoulders which is where the arms enter the water.”
  5. Practice this movement several times until your students have a clear understanding of what the stroke/recovery of the arms should feel like. Then you can teach the pull.
  6. The late legendary Olympic Swimming Coach Richard Quick would have advanced swimmers do the same drill while lying on a kickboard in the the water. After watching his video with older, more advanced kids, I started using a similar technique with younger swimmers learning the butterfly.
  7. Because the kickboard doesn’t work well with young children because they have a hard time balancing on the board without it popping out, I started using a Swim Ways Power Swimmer (buoyancy device) on my young swimmers that laces up the sides so it can’t slip out from underneath them.
  8. Then I have my young students practice the arm recovery and pull with the buoyancy and it really works well. Why? Because the child can concentrate on the technique without worrying about staying on top of the water.


Things You’ll Need

  • SwimWays Power Swimmer
  • Butterfly 301 DVD by Jim Reiser

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Teach the Butterfly Stroke. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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October 30, 2009 at 4:53 pm Comments (0)

Baby Swimming to Butterfly

I just submitted my final edit on Teaching Babies Better to my editor.  If you already ordered your “Teaching Babies Better” DVD, I should be able to ship it out sometime late next week!  Of course the video is now available at Swim Lessons University, my online library of instructional swimming videos,

For those of you who have been asking about when my Learn to Swim Butterfly DVD would be produced, the answer is now!  I have already shot all the footage and have written most of the production.   Starting this weekend I will start piecing it together.  I see no reason that it shouldn’t be ready before the holidays!

If you don’t already get my Swim Lessons University newsletter, go to and sign up today!  I will be sending out a special early buy discount on the Butterfly 301 DVD to all my customers soon!

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October 29, 2009 at 7:17 pm Comments (0)

Washington Swim Teacher Thanks “The Swim Professor” and Shares Some Cool Ideas of Her Own!

Dear Swim Professor,

Thanks for checking in. I was thinking about emailing you on our progress. My first three students all wanted private swim lessons and the first child (a nine year old boy who did not know how to swim at all) was doing freestyle with side breathing on the third lesson. I have decided to give the parents the option of once or twice per week because I really want the kids to learn to swim. Most choose twice per week and the kiddos are learning very quickly. I have a total of four students and that number will go up to 10 in November when soccer ends.

The parents have all told me they really like the progression style teaching ( Swim Lessons University Lessons Plans) and that I spend a lot of time with each child, which is something they did not see at the bigger swim schools in the area. One thing that the children have really enjoyed that I do is “I find out what each kid really likes and make the lesson fit the child.” Example: one of my 4 year olds loves Indiana Jones. So each skill is on that theme. Instead of “get your motorboat out of the mud”, we get “Indiana’s Jeep out of the quicksand.” (Great example of how you can take the Swim Lessons University Lesson plans and add ideas of your own to make your lessons unique). Another idea I had that the children love is that I also am able to provide token coins that the kiddos earn as they master skills and then can cash in at my treasure box at the end of each lesson.

All in all I am having a great time with all of your Swim Lessons University training products you sent me!

Thanks you so much!

Coach Jimmesue
Camas, WA

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October 26, 2009 at 5:49 pm Comments (0)

3 Success Strategies for Teaching Children to Swim with Autism

How to Teach Children to Swim With Autism

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit
In the new DVD, Teaching Children to Swim with Austism Spectrum Disorder,Vi Hendley, M.Ed. & Autism Resource Specialist and Jim Reiser,M.S., “The Swim Professor,” share 10 Success Strategies Every Teacher Should Know. In today’s article, while you won’t get to see the video, we will share with you three of those important techniques.


  1. Don’t Use the “Right way vs. the Wrong Way” technique. When your teaching children with ASD, however, it’s really best to AVOID this technique. One characteristic of children with ASD is they tend to pick up on irrelevant details. In other words, you even have to be extra careful when demonstrating that everything you show your students is precisely what you want them to do.
  2. Use a Child’s Special Interests. Students with ASD are often very focused on a particular object or topic of interest. Using a child’s interest may be the most important technique you can use to capture and hold their attention during lessons. These interests can be as varied as the children themselves, so remain open to most anything, from food to superman to jellyfish or sharks! Follow your student’s lead; a student that is engaged is a student who is learning. Whatever you do, continue to involve your student’s special interest throughout the lesson.
  3. Use Visual Supports. In one ear and out the other, out of sight is out of mind. Because students with autism have difficulty with retaining auditory information, these old sayings are so true for children with ASD. And because children with ASD tend to be visual learners, it is so important to have your rules, techniques, and expectations in a visual format.


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Teach Children to Swim With Autism. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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October 22, 2009 at 4:59 pm Comment (1)

Lifeguards!!! Can you hear me?

Teach swimming lessons and make more cash!


How much money do you make an hour?  $8 – $10 per hour?  Lifeguarding is a nice summer job.  You get tan, you’re around lots of beautiful people, and the spirits around the swimming pool are usually great!

But wouldn’t you rather make $80 to $100 per hour than $8- $10?  Of course you would!  And you probably can!

In this article, I’m going to get you started with 5 simple steps to making a bunch of money next summer!

Now onto the FUN STUFF!

Step #1: Prepare Yourself NOW in the off-season.

If you want the buzz among parents at the pool to be what an incredible teacher are–then you have to do your homework now!

The easiest way to become a Professional Swim Instructor is to visit Swim Lessons University and order the DVD videos that will show you EXACTLY how to teach swimming.  From baby swimming to butterfly, you will find it all here.   Not only will you get to see how the pros do it, but you can also get these DVD’s for no more than $35.00 per DVD course!  You will make that in your first half hour of teaching!

Step #2: Make Yourself Marketable!

On your flier, you want to be able to include credentials that will give parents confidence to hire you in the first place.  Here are several I’d recommend:

  • Swim Lessons University trained
  • Member & Certified Coach by American Swim Coaches Association
  • Member of United States Swim School Association
  • Member of World Aquatic Babies & Children’s Network
  • Certified in Life guarding, CPR, & First Aid

You don’t have to do all of these, but swim association memberships, swim instructor training, and swim certifications sure looks great and they will all help you in the long run.

Step #3: Show that you are “proven” through testimonials.

If you go to The Swim Lessons Company website, you will see a whole link dedicated to “Parent Testimonials.”  When you go to the Swim Lessons University website, you will see a page dedicated to “Expert Endorsements.”  Does it establish a rapport?   Of course it does!  These are real comments by real customers!

So you ask, what if I never taught before?  No problem.  You know someone who has kids right?  You’re good with them right?  That’s all parents need to know to get you started!  Tell the parent what you’re doing and ask the parent to write 2 or 3 sentences on “how well you work with their daughter or son.”   When I interview teacher candidates, I often have them play something or teach something to my son.  To me, it’s very easy with the Swim Lessons University DVD’s to train someone to teach who is great with children.   And that’s what parents want to know too when they are considering hiring you!

Step #4   Start your summer job search in January!
This is critical because you need to have time to explore all your options.  Some jobs are going to be more attractive than others depending on the employer.  But what you most likely want to do is look at all area country clubs (there are other options) and secure a lifeguard job where they permit you to teach on the side in addition to your regular lifeguard hours.

Step #5   Dive in!  Let the fun begin and the money come in!

Promote yourself, your schedule, your rates, and determine how you will collect your fees.  I have tons of personal experience I could lend you here.  For example, at the first country club I taught at they let me put my flier in every newsletter.   All I had to do was stuff’em!   Put together and decide on whether your customers will have to sign up for a session or if they can sign up for one at a time.   Decide what size classes you are going to offer, i.e., privates, semi-privates, trios, quads or a combination.

Congratulations—you are an entrepreneur!  It’s a profitable, fun, and rewarding experience. Nothing is ever the same and you will always be growing and changing with the times.   If you would have questions or would like some personal advice, you will be excited to know that during my off season (August thru January) I offer a very reasonably priced “One–on-one Personal Consultation Service.”  You can call me toll free at 1-866-498-7946 or enroll online at I look forward to helping you and sincerely wish you all the success!

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October 15, 2009 at 3:06 pm Comments (0)

Check out my baby Nolan! He is on cover of my new “Teachng Babies Better” DVD


Do you want to see how cute my baby boy is?!?! 

     Just a quick note to let you know that if you visit  you can see an underwater picture of Nolan on the cover of my brand new DVD “Teaching Babies Better.”   Good thing he takes after his mother, right?!? 🙂  Nolan was 12 months old at the time of the photo.  He’s 15 months now and ALL BOY!  I can barely keep up with him, LOL! 

      In my latest instructional swim DVD, I address 22 Ways to Improve Infant-Toddler classes.  I hope to have the DVD ready to ship in 3-4 weeks.  Also, just FYI–I am offering 15% off to anyone who pre-orders the DVD thru Oct. 31st. 

Hope you enjoy it!

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October 14, 2009 at 2:35 pm Comments (0)

Is Your Swim School Saving Time & Money with an Online Registration Program?



     1.  Are you SAVING money (and time) because of your online registration program?  

     2.  Is it EASY for YOU to use? 

     3.  Is it EASY for YOUR CUSTOMERS to use?    

      I have been with the same company, Time2Signup, for going on 10 years.  At one point, I wasn’t really that happy with it.  Technology was changing fast and my business was growing fast, making their old registration program more and more troublesome to use.  I voiced my concerns and what I really needed changed and they promised to rebuild the system . . . and they did!

I stuck with them for two reasons:

1. They treated me right (and still do).
2. Their service was, and still is, very reasonably priced.

     When my business was small, I was able to pay something like $50.00 per year and then just $2.50 per transaction.  Now that we have grown to as many as 1000 kids in a month, instead of paying $2500 per month we just pay a flat rate of $300 per month!  You can do whatever makes the most sense for you!

     What I really like is they built their new Time2Signup system using a “smart default values” feature and a new technology (called AJAX) to minimize data entry to make the system easy for both you and your customers.  PLUS it makes it fast and easy for you to put your class schedule online.  In addition, you can also clone whole sessions or parts of old sessions into a new session.

     Go to my website, http://WWW.SWIMLESSONSCOMPANY.COM and click signup now.  You will quickly begin to see WHY 75% of MY CUSTOMERS enroll online! Why is that so great?  Because that extra cash you had in overhead from your office staff expense now goes in YOUR POCKETS!

     Because I have had such a long working relationship with Time2sign up, also now known as Business Focused Internet Systems, call me first and we will call Gene (General Manager of Time2/BFIS) together.  I’ll bet “dollars to donuts” I can get you a discount if you decide to go with Time2.

     Call me on my office phone toll free at 1-866-498-7946.  If you miss me (because most of my customers sign up online:)  I will call you back!

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October 12, 2009 at 4:42 pm Comments (0)

How to Use Bath Time as Your Baby’s First Swimming Lesson

How to Use Bath Time As Your Baby’s First Swimming Lesson

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

How to Use Bath Time . . . Your Baby’s First Swimming Lesson! What Every Parent Should Know.


  1. AS a new parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your baby, which is one of the primary objectives of Jim Reiser’s brand new “BATHTUB BABY 101” DVD. You want to prepare your baby for a lifelong love affair of the water, and it is time to start that journey. The water is also the perfect medium to enhance your baby’s physical, mental, emotional, and social development.
  2. Take all necessary safety precautions when your baby is in or around the water, i.e., phone turned off, prepared seat to the side of the tub with towell, etc.
  3. Prepare your bathroom, i.e., air temperature should be a minimum of 80 degrees, water temperature should be between 95 and 98 degrees, have favorite toys on hand, a pacifier if your baby takes one, a pouring cup, and have the water filled to appropriate depth.
  4. Prepare your baby. Remove your baby’s clothes in “pre-warmed room.”
  5. Start and end every bath the same way.
  6. Hold your baby so that he/she is protected from harm, i.e., slips, accidental immersions, etc.
  7. Bath-time stimulation and play. Use songs and games to make bath time enjoyable for your baby and you!


  • You can also teach your baby real swimming skills to prepare your baby for his/her first swimming lesson in the pool. For example, conditioning, floating on the front, and floating on the back can be taught in the bathtub. However, it is strong recommended against without further training. If you would like to learn how, purchase “The Swim Professor’s” 30 minute DVD video course called “Bathtub Baby 101.” Here’s how:
  • Visit and order your DVD for just $19.99. You wil also learn much more, including How to ensure a Happy Experience and How to Comfort your Baby if he/she Cries.
  • PLUS it includes a tremendous section on baby water safety and has been endorsed by the president of the National Drowning Prevention Alliance, Johnny Johnson!


  • Author is held harmless against all injury and liability that may result from the use of this content as a teaching aid. Any person using this article takes sole responsibility for the safety and health of the children involved. As with any physical activity exercise, or instructional program, the participant should seek the advice of a physician.

Sources and Citations

  • Bathtub Baby 101 Your Baby’s First Swimming Lessons What Every Parent Should Know. Available at
  • “Jim Reiser has done it again. His Bathtub Baby 101 is a wonderful gift for young parents looking for a way to introduce their infant to the water in a way that provides a foundation for later learn to swim lessons. Jim presents valuable ideas and most of all establishes the concept of safety right from the start of a child’s aquatic journey. My slogan is :Great Beginnings…Lead to Great Finishes” and Jim has certainly provided an opportunity for many more “Great Beginnings”.
  • Johnny Johnson
  • President, Swim for Life Foundation
  • President, National Drowning Prevention Alliance
  • Past President, U.S. Swim School Association
  • President, Blue Buoy Swim School Inc.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Bath Time As Your Baby’s First Swimming Lesson. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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October 11, 2009 at 5:06 pm Comments (0)

Teaching Infants & Toddlers to Swim: Training Your Staff

     If you are anything like me, you are always pursuing not only better ways on how to teach babies to swim, but now to train your swim teachers to teach babies to swim.  If you have seen my Parent and Me 101 DVD, How to Teach Toddlers to Swim and to be Safer in and around the Water, you have a good idea of how to teach infants and toddlers to swim.  This is how we have been doing it  for the past three years.   

     Dr. Michael Seaman, Ph.D. and Associate Dean of Education at the University of South Carolina had his 2 year old in the program and commented:  “Your techniques have been invaluable both in terms of putting my son, Trent, at ease in the water and bond as a father and son as we learn together.  I have watched Trent’s improvement with a great deal of pride.”

     He was in my class so I am very proud of his comments.  My goal as a business owner though is to make sure I get the same kind of comments on each and every one of my swim instructors.  Therefore, I constantly develop and improve our swim teacher training systems. 

     My current improvement is a new DVD called TEACHING BABIES BETTER.  I am currently editing this video so that it will be available to you and my teachers before the holidays.  

     You probably agree that teaching swim teachers to teach Parent & Me classes is one of the most challenging tasks we have. 

     Why?  Not only do our new swim teachers have to teach a delicate infant or toddler, the teacher is also instructing parents. 

     In many cases, the parents are older than the teachers, so it’s extremely important to me that my new teachers are thoroughly prepared, that they are confident, and that they do it the same way I would do it. 

  • That means revisiting what matters most.
  • That means exposing my teachers to ways I’ve improved my classes in the past three years.

     So I created a class of three students:  1 year old, an 18 month old, and a 2.5 year old.  We videotaped the session from both above and under water.  And I have just finished highlighting 22 Ways to Improve Your Infant Toddler classes based on my most recent and cumulative experiences.

     I would like to share with you a few examples (but you have to see it on video):

  1. DON’T DUNK’EM!  Do use a soft, gentle dip with minimal up and down movement during breath control exercises. 
         In this segment, you will get to “see” how gentle, how subtle, how shallow this technique should be performed.  Nothing about this technique is abrupt and nothing about this technique looks like a “dunk” BUT the baby is learning the air exchange and learning to enjoy facial immersions.   You will see this technique from both above and underwater, in both real time and slow motion.  
         You will get to witness real live examples of when I chose NOT to immerse an infant or toddler because of the body language communication I was interpreting.  What’s very interesting is that this can be and was with a child who was already comfortable with facial immersions BUT wasn’t ready at that moment in time.  From this video example, teachers can learn how to prevent a happy baby from becoming an upset baby nearly every time.
         In this segment, you will see how to determine the amount of support to use to allow the infant/toddler to successfully perform the skill, but while also allowing for a child-centered progression that allows for skill mastery.

I hope this helps you a little, but for now I have to get back to editing the new DVD that is going to help your staff and mine– ALOT!

     By the way, if you would like to save 20% you can pre-order the Teaching Babies Better DVD now by calling me toll free at 1-866-498-7946!  Once it’s complete and posted on the website, it will retail at $29.99.  Also, check out my new, very reasonable introductory rates for my One-on-one Phone Consultation Service.   Look forward to helping you!

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October 8, 2009 at 5:33 pm Comments (0)