The Swim Professor

Jim Reiser, M.S.

Breaking News! SLU Awards Bracelet & Water Safety System is available to YOU!

Get your students and parents hooked with the Swim Lessons University Bracelet System!   Instantly recognize and reward your students by punching out the star besidethe skill you just taught your pupil with our handy ¼” star puncher!

Parents and children will absolutely love the way you will reward them for their progress!  Not only will parents appreciate how you are teaching their child, but also there is even more to be excited about!  Here are just a few of the unique features:

  • It’s fast & immediate! The reward for progress is immediate, which leads to motivated students.
  • It’s motivational! Students are sure to give their best in order to earn more stars and eventually a new bracelet.
  • It’s convenient! You don’t have to get out of the pool to print card, stamp certificates, etc.  Simply punch out the star beside the abbreviated skill.
  • It’s a time-saver! No more long, tedious testing days.  You update progress bracelets as progress occurs!
  • It’s a lifesaver! The water safety component helps educate parents about how to protect their children.

Most importantly, the Swim Lessons University Awards Bracelets allows you to focus on doing what you love most—teaching children to swim and making them safer in and around the water.

For details on how it works, the safety component, what skills are abbreviated on each bracelet, and on HOW TO ORDER the Swim Lessons University Awards Bracelets for your students or swim school, visit Swim Lessons University today!

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April 21, 2010 at 7:02 pm Comments (0)

Will I see you at the National Drowning Prevention Symposium?

I will be heading up to my home state of Pennsylvania next weekend to attend the 9th Annual Drowning Prevention Symposium on April 26th and April 27th.  Many of my friends know that I am a Johnstown, PA native and did my undergraduate work at California University of PA, not to mention that I spent half my youth at swim meets in Pittsburgh!  At any rate,  I’m looking forward to visiting my family and friends on Friday and Saturday before heading to the NDPA event on Sunday.

If you are attending I look forward to you visiting with me.  I will have all my Swim Lessons University DVD’s, as well as my new Swim Lessons Awards Progression & Water Safety Bracelet system available at my exhibit. Mention this blog and I will give you an automatic 10% discount on any of the Swim Lessons University educational tools!

Hope to see you at the Sheraton at Station Square!

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April 16, 2010 at 5:00 pm Comments (0)

Safety & Swim Lessons: SAFEKIDS teams up with Swim Lessons University Instructors


SAFE KIDS Midlands, led by Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, teamed up with The Swim Lessons Company’s Swim Lessons University Instructors today and gave some 70 children a free swimming lesson! Coach Reiser shared safety tips with the parents as well and talked about The Swim Lessons Company’s new “Make a Splash Program” which seemed to draw lots of enthusiasm.

Today’s event was held at The Swim Lessons Company facility at Palmetto Athletic Center in Lexington, SC, while the same event will be offered again next Saturday, April 17th in Northeast Columbia at Chesterbrook Academy.

WLTX (CBS Columbia)interviewed Coach Reiser on the Mid Day News earlier in the week, while Stephany Snow of WGCV 630AM interviewed Reiser live on the radio Friday.  WIS-TV (NBC Columbia) actually came out to the event and did a story on both the 6:00PM AND 11:00PM  newscasts.

SEVEN RULES to REMEMBER by Water Safety Expert, Jim Reiser:

1.   NEVER leave your infant or toddlers unattended in a bathtub.

2.   CONTINUE swimming lessons with a qualified instructor until your child masters the formal strokes (underwater swimming is not enough!)

  1. WATCH your child with active, “eagle eye” supervision at all times when in or around the water.

  1. UTILIZE the Water Watcher Tag system.

  2. REQUIRE your child to wear a coast guard approved life jacket when boating, or even playing around lakes, rivers, or other open water situations.

  3. SECURE your residential pool with proper fencing, self-closing gates and latches, and pool alarms.

  4. LEARN CPR so you are qualified to respond in case of a life-threatening emergency.

No other accident claims more lives each year than accidental drowning for children under the age of five.  Drowning is second only to automobile accidents in children ages 6 to 14.  I

About Children’s Hospital

Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital was the first children’s hospital in South Carolina and has more than 30 pediatric subspecialties including pulmonology, cardiology, surgery, oncology, neonatology, anesthesiology, radiology, endocrinology, infectious diseases, critical care and others. A major pediatric referral center for children from all 46 counties in South Carolina, Children’s Hospital treats more than 82,000 children each year. For more information, or to subscribe to our quarterly e-newsletter, visit

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April 11, 2010 at 12:44 am Comments (0)

NEW Awards Bracelets for your Learn-to-Swim Students!

You are going to absolutely love our upcoming latest addition to Swim Lessons University. It our brand new “paperless” Swim Proficiency & Water Safety Awards System.  Here’s a brief summary of how it works:

Each child gets a silicone bracelet (Lance Armstrong type) which features 6 major skills that he or she will be working on in your class.   The moment your student masters the skill, you use our 1/4″ Star Punch to punch out the star representing that he/she mastered that skill!   Once all the stars are punched out, you award your student a new bracelet which is also a new color, representing the next level.   How cool is that?  No paperwork and immediate reward!

After three years of refining this system at The Swim Lessons Company in South Carolina, I have decided to make these available for all my Swim Lessons University teachers and friends.  The bracelets will be available soon and I will announce it as soon as they are up on the website.  Each bracelet will be just $ .95 cents!  I will also have the “Star Punch” available for $9.99.

To learn more details about this exciting new addition and how it works, from both a skill AND safety standpoint, visit our local Swim Lessons Company website.  Under “What’s New,” you can see the bracelets and read more and see what the bracelets look.  I have modified them some and you will see the new ones you can purchase at the Swim Lessons University site as soon as the bracelets arrive.

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April 7, 2010 at 10:47 am Comments (0)

Wetsuits and Swimming Lessons

Have you ever tried a wetsuit for teaching?

Have you ever thought about a wetsuit for your “learn-to-swim” students?

While I started wearing a wetsuit back when I taught in “unheated  pools,” now even when I teach in heated, warm water pools (87 plus degrees)–I won’t teach in anything else!


  1. I’m a better teacher when I’m warm!
  2. I use a fraction of the sunscreen which is not only quite convenient, my savings in sunscreen probably will pay for the wetsuit in a few years (as much as I’m in the pool)!
  3. When I wear my speedos, my fellow male instructors are usually intimidated by my overpowering muscular physique (LOL)!

What about babies & young children?

Both of my boys, Jeb almost 7 and Nolan  20 mos., love to wear their wetsuits.  Now that Jeb is getting a little order, he doesn’t wear it exclusively, but he still wears it alot.   In fact, last summer we visited Johnstown, PA and went swimming at the Windber Recreation Pool.   Even though the water was like 75 degrees tops, Jeb had a blast and was in the pool for hours because of his wetsuit.

The Konfidence swimming wetsuits such as the Baby Warma and  the Child’s Swimming Wetsuit are just awesome investments.   Not only are the children happier in the pool because they are warm, I have found there are several other benefits:

1.  The neoprene material lasts forever!  Nolan is now wearing Jeb’s old wetsuit and it’s in fantastic condition.

2.  Children don’t grow out of the wetsuits overnight.  With adjustable velcro shoulder straps, Jeb probably got two years out of this first wetsuit that Nolan is now wearing.

3.  Even when the water is warm, even 85 degree air can feel cool when your wet if there’s a little breeze.   But with the wetsuit on, your child never catches a chill!

And of course all the same benefits I mentioned for adults or swim teachers apply to children, such as sunscreen savings and UV protection.  If you thought you or your child liked the pool before, wait until you get a wetsuit–you’ll never get out!

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April 4, 2010 at 11:18 am Comments (0)

BFIS allowed me to post 152 swim classes in just over an hour!

BFIS (Business Focused Internet Solutions) aka Time2Sign-up has developed an awesome registration program for swim schools.   After years of glitches in the old system that some of my fellow swim school members may remember, this new system they developed for me is EASY, STATE-OF-THE-ART, and virtually Error Proof!

We started our May Swim Lessons Registration about five minutes ago so my classes went LIVE at Midnight.   This is not an April Fool’s Joke!  We have dozens of swim lesson parents on our site right now registering for our May “Learn-to-swim” classes.  How cool is that?

Those of you that know me, probably realize I am hard-working and know what my strong points are, but most importantly, that I take great pride in what I do.   But one thing I am not is very analytical, and I’m not the most computer savy person in the world, let alone in my own office!   But this new program works . . . even I can use it!

In fact, just the other day I had a customer write me and thank me for how easy we have made registering online.  The thanks goes to BFIS!

Check it out for yourself.  Go to my local site, The Swim Lessons Company, and click “Sign up now.”   If you have any questions about the admin section and how we do it, just let me know.  What I can’t explain I will get you on the phone with Gene Gessert, the General Manager of BFIS.   Yes, the G.M. is my “go to guy” when it comes to support on most issues and he is great!  Gene’s partner’s Sean Devoy (mastermind programmer) and Bobby Moore (excellent customer support as well).

Anyway, good night!  Hope your system works as well as mine does while you sleep:)

Email me at if you want to talk about it.  And while this call is FREE, take advantage of my brand new “One-on-one Phone Consultation Service” which is quite reasonable.

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April 1, 2010 at 12:33 am Comments (0)