The Swim Professor

Jim Reiser, M.S.

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BFIS allowed me to post 152 swim classes in just over an hour!

BFIS (Business Focused Internet Solutions) aka Time2Sign-up has developed an awesome registration program for swim schools.   After years of glitches in the old system that some of my fellow swim school members may remember, this new system they developed for me is EASY, STATE-OF-THE-ART, and virtually Error Proof!

We started our May Swim Lessons Registration about five minutes ago so my classes went LIVE at Midnight.   This is not an April Fool’s Joke!  We have dozens of swim lesson parents on our site right now registering for our May “Learn-to-swim” classes.  How cool is that?

Those of you that know me, probably realize I am hard-working and know what my strong points are, but most importantly, that I take great pride in what I do.   But one thing I am not is very analytical, and I’m not the most computer savy person in the world, let alone in my own office!   But this new program works . . . even I can use it!

In fact, just the other day I had a customer write me and thank me for how easy we have made registering online.  The thanks goes to BFIS!

Check it out for yourself.  Go to my local site, The Swim Lessons Company, and click “Sign up now.”   If you have any questions about the admin section and how we do it, just let me know.  What I can’t explain I will get you on the phone with Gene Gessert, the General Manager of BFIS.   Yes, the G.M. is my “go to guy” when it comes to support on most issues and he is great!  Gene’s partner’s Sean Devoy (mastermind programmer) and Bobby Moore (excellent customer support as well).

Anyway, good night!  Hope your system works as well as mine does while you sleep:)

Email me at if you want to talk about it.  And while this call is FREE, take advantage of my brand new “One-on-one Phone Consultation Service” which is quite reasonable.

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April 1, 2010 at 12:33 am
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