The Swim Professor

Jim Reiser, M.S.

NCAA Swimming Scholarships may become EXTINCT!

You read it correctly!    IF we care about the sport of swimming, whether you are swimming instructors, swim coaches, swim parents, or fans–we must get ready to fight for it, as ASCA Executive Director John Leonard writes in his article below.

Take a minute to read it now.  As always, John’s articles are honest, informative, and to the point.  He doesn’t dance around and politic.

He tells you the way it is.

With John’s permission, I share with you:


The House Is On Fire”

By John Leonard

One of the key roles that the American Swimming Coaches Association has played in American Swimming since 1958, is to warn of threats to our sport. Today, I am going to tell you about the biggest threat to American Swimming in the history of our sport.

NCAA Scholarship Swimming is under assault. And very likely to become extinct SOON if we don’t act to save it.

This is critical to all of us for two reasons:

First, for ALL of us, the USA is the only country in the world where a young man or young lady taking her/his first swimming lesson TODAY, has NO LIMITS on their future! They can choose to swim a little, swim a lot, excel, (or not) go through high school swimming, move on to the world’s most competitive program in NCAA swimming. (which attracts athletes from all over the globe, seeking what they don’t have at home) and go on to be an Olympian.

Or they can chose to do summer league swimming, swim in high school, move on to academic life, and never swim again.


In no other place on earth is that the case. In most of the globe, that young lady or man has almost nothing BUT limits – and most, even if they are serious youth swimmers, have no choice but to quit swimming between 15-18 and concentrate on academics which determine their future. No option of Scholarships, no option of elite coaching – no realistic dreams of being the best they can be. Their swimming careers END between 15-18.



Second, for all the reasons outlined above, NCAA Scholarship Swimming is the engine that drives our Olympic/International Success. Those 6,000 NCAA Scholarship Swimmers who keep swimming from 18-24 as they mature (and late maturers are the leading edge of elite athletes) are the talent pool which we have drawn on to lead the world in swimming for more than 100 years now. NCAA Scholarship Swimming is the EDGE that we have over the rest of the Swimming world.

IF NCAA Scholarships go away, the USA in ten years will look like a second rate swimming nation. We’ll have similar numbers of elite athletes, except some of our friends live in countries where swimming really COUNTS in the culture. You all know where swimming ranks in the USA in terms of cultural importance.

So, what do we do?

You’ll hear lots of work ideas and see lots in action soon. We have about a 12-24 month window to save scholarship swimming and elite coaching jobs in the NCAA. Within 24 months, the path will be set. Universities will be either keeping or dropping scholarships and full time elite coaching jobs by then. All of this DRIVEN of course, by the insatiable need for dollars for football and basketball players, and 6 Million Dollar a year football coaches.

We will need YOU to rally your teams. Get tons of letters and emails written to University Presidents and Athletic Directors in support of the Real Student Athletes swimmers. The College Swimming Coaches Association of America and the ASCA are working together with USA Swimming to develop the plan, and ask you to work the plan.

I am personally so offended by the hypocrisy of the NCAA ad that goes on about “most of them will go pro in something other than sports.” Which implies that the NCAA actually has something to do with that! WHILE the finance of University sport heads inexorably towards the ELIMINATION OF OLYMPIC SPORTS in favor of the semi-pro leagues for football and basketball players.

It’s a toss up right now whether the IOC/FINA or the NCAA is the most hypocritical organization in the world of sports today – but that’s a discussion for another day.

What is for today is simply this… if you love American Swimming, get ready to fight for it.

We’ll need ALL OF US, TOGETHER, to save it.

Let’s Go USA. We can do this. Plans coming. House on Fire. Man The  Buckets.

All the Best, John Leonard

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January 2, 2015 at 3:29 pm Comments (0)

Swim Lessons University to hold Swim Instructor Training at ASCA World Clinic in New Orleans

The American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) has partnered up with Swim Lessons University to offer a post conference workshop at their Annual World Clinic in New Orleans this fall! Swim Instructors, Aquatic Directors, and Learn-to-swim coaches can now take advantage of the event. This affordable conference will feature four information-packed, entertaining talks featuring BRAND NEW VIDEO FOOTAGE throughout the Swim Professor’s power point presentations. The topics covered in those presentations are as follows:

Talk #1: NO MORE TEARS! Secrets to Teaching Parent & Tot Lessons using a Progressive, Child-Centered Approach.

Talk #2: PRE-SCHOOLERS CAN SWIM! An Innovative, Child-Centered Approach that Creates a Lifelong Love of the Water.


Talk #4: THE BUSINESS SIDE: Using Social Media, Marketing, Scheduling & More!

Look what these instructors had to say:

“Thanks for the great workshop. You are a terrific teacher. You are very thorough and insightful. You clearly have a desire and an ability to connect with everyone, regardless of or perhaps with an extra appreciation for our respective backgrounds. We are all teachers and our time (my time for sure) with you added to our tool box so we can be better, more effective teachers. Thanks Jim. Keep sharing your insights and passion for safety, teaching and aquatics.”
– Allan Kopel – USA Swimming Coach
Haverhill, Massachusetts

“Today I have been blessed. I am here at Jim’s Orlando Conference. I have already learned so much. Anyone who follows Jim on his website and through facebook gets to see great clips and I have always appreciated that, but to meet with him in a class you get to see that the love for kids and swim he speaks about is very sincere. Thanks Jim for the inspiration and confidence to be the “BEST” instructors. You have made me a better instructor and for that I will forever be grateful. What an awesome day at the conference! Thank you so much Jim for offering a “wealth” of information.”
– Michelle Smith, Instructor Swim School Owner

The conference will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013 at the New Orleans Marriot on 555 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. The Swim Lessons University workshop led by Jim Reiser will be held from 10:00AM – 5:00PM. If you don’t want to attend the entire ASCA event, you can simply book the SLU workshop for just $95.00. Call ASCA today at 1-800-356-2722 to secure your spot. You can book your hotel for just $115 per night with ASCA rate!

“We are honored that ASCA has made our workshop an official post-conference event for this year’s World Clinic,” says Jim Reiser, Executive Director of Swim Lessons University. “While you can simply pay for and attend our workshop at ASCA through ASCA, you will find attending ASCA to be an awesome opportunity. I would strongly encourage you to consider attending both our workshop as well as other ASCA talks and events.”
For more information, email Jim Reiser at To enroll, go to the ASCA Website and enroll today for just $95.00!

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June 24, 2013 at 6:32 pm Comments (0)

ASCA SwimAmerica Conference Highlights

As I fly back from the American Swimming Coaches Association SwimAmerica Business Conference in Fort Lauderdale, I thought I would share a few highlights of the weekend:

I was honored to be the opening speaker at the conference, and gave three talks over the course of the weekend. My colleagues Lori Klatt from SwimAmerica Swim School in Fresno, California, and Mick and Sue Nelson, both of who work for United States Swimming in Colorado Springs, CO also gave fabulous presentations.

Sue Nelson, Aquatic Programs Specialist for USA Swimming,  gave a tremendous talk on the Aquatic Pillars, teaching us all a variety of ways we can diversify and generate income from a variety of avenues that we may otherwise not know about, and even if we did, most of us wouldn’t have known how it implement those ideas.  Exceptional information!

Mick Nelson, who is a “Build a Pool” expert and Club Facilities Director for USA Swimming, as well as a long time Swim School owner and ASCA swimming coach—shared invaluable information on building a pool and swim school facility.  In just 90 minutes, I learned more about building a facility than I had even known myself after my own experience of actually building a facility!   What a tremendous resource he can be to anyone looking to build.  His presentation was state-of-the-art and I can’t wait to attend his entire “Build a Pool” Conference Workshop in the near future.

Lori Klatt, a long time customer of mine, dear friend, and extremely knowledgeable swim school owner gave two phenomenal talks.  Lori is an incredible entrepreneur and quite the genius not only in marketing the national SwimAmerica program, but she also has trademarked and developed both TumbleAmerica and DanceAmerica!

I only hope my talks were as informative as my colleagues, as I felt I was able to leave today with so many new ideas and invaluable information.  I shared my ever-evolving philosophy on developing customer loyalty (much of that inspired by Jeffrey Gitomer.  In my second talk I spoke primarily on how to develop Swim Teachers who “Teach Like Pros,” specifically on Demonstrations, Feedback, Choral Responding, Checks for Understanding, and Teaching Cues.  In my last talk, I shared with my fellow swim school owners and teachers what works for me from a business standpoint in a talk called “It’s Time for Your Business to Grow.”  To name a few topics: how I motivate and reward my staff, how we have been successful in our lease arrangements with 6 different hotels, our secrets to getting on the news, and a few others.  My nicest complement came from Lori Klatt, when she asked if she could use my power point with her staff.  Now I have another idea for a new DVD!

MOST IMPORTANTLY–I can’t say enough nice things about the conference attendees.  Without them, there is no conference.  We had a very diverse group of swim teachers and swim school owners, some seasoned, some just starting out, most from the U.S., but a couple other countries were represented.  One was my long time customer Paula Swaby from the Caymen Islands and my new friend Geoffrey Eneas of Dolphin Swimming Club in the Bahamas. I also want to thank my some of my other new friends and customers:  Shannon Hamm of Texas, Kelly Cleary of Virginia, Claudia Obregon, Chris Anderson, and Susan Schwerzel of Florida, and Matthew Spring of New Jersey.

Coach Geoffrey of the Bahamas really made my day when he told me one of my former students, Nicholas Rees, had made the Olympics representing the Bahamas in 2 different Olympic Games.   When Nicholas was age 9 and 10, I trained him during the summer months and gave him countless private lessons while I was running my learn to swim program in California University of PA.  I also remember taking Nicholas to Penn State to a long course meet as well as to University of Tennessee’s Swimming Coach John Trembley’s camp, United Swimming Clinics.   While I realize as well as anyone that Nicholas’s Olympic accomplishment had little to do with me–I am still honored to know that I played a small role in developing his stroke technique and foundation when he was a young boy.  How neat is that?

Speaking of Olympians, here’s a great story.  Brendan Hanson, two-time gold medalist and American Record Holder in the 200 breaststroke is opening up a swim school in Philadelphia, PA and was an attendee at our conference.  As I made my way around the room, meeting and greeting the attendees, I handed Brendan my “Breaststroke 301” DVD and told him, “I heard you are going to need some help teaching this stroke!”   I had the chance to speak with Brendan after the conference and he is quite a fine young man.  Very humble, very personable, very motivated.  Take a look at Brandon’s website, he is doing all the right things.  Keep up the great work Brendan!

Lastly, I would like to publicly thanks Julie Nitti and John Leonard for inviting me to speak and be part of another terrific ASCA SwimAmerica conference!

I would like to end today’s blog with a request from my friend Paula Swaby, and that was share the poem I read to start off my second presentation.  Here it is Paula!

This is the beginning of a new day.

God has given me this day to use as I will.

I can waste it or I can use if for good.

What I can do today is very important because

I’m exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes this day will be gone, forever,

Leaving something in its place I have traded for it.

I want it to be gain, not loss, good, not evil,

Success, not failure, in order that I shall not

forget the price I paid for it.

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February 22, 2010 at 3:51 pm Comments (7)

American Swimming Coaches Association announces Learn to Swim Clinic in Washington, DC

Mark your calendars for April 10th, 2010 to attend a terrific  one day conference.   The clinic will be held near Washington, DC in Gaithersburg, Maryland and costs just $49.00!

Speakers include

  • Jim Reiser, “The Swim Professor” &  founder of Swim Lessons University
  • Steve Fenning, Owner of Vero Beach FL SwimAmerica
  • Steve Haufler, Head Coach of the Orinda Country Club/Head Coach Orinda Aquatics.

What will you learn  and what is the schedule like?

9:00 – 10:00             Jim Reiser “Teaching Babies Better”

10:15 – 11:15          Steve Fenning “Teaching Beginners Freestyle and Backstroke”

11:30 – 12:30          Steve Haufler “Teaching Butterfly and Breaststroke”

12:30 – 1:30             Lunch Break

1:30 – 2:30               Jim Reiser “Presenting a Water Safety Lesson”

Pool Demonstrations

2:45 – 3:45               Steve Haufler “Teaching of Butterfly and Breaststroke”

4:00 – 5:00               Steve Fenning “Teaching of Freestyle and Backstroke”

Location:  Quince Orchard Swim & Tennis Club, 16601 Roundabout Drive, Gaithersburg, MD  20875.

For more information or to register, call Julie Nitti at 1-800-356-2722!

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January 6, 2010 at 8:22 pm Comments (0)