The last thing you will ever see me or a certified Swim Lessons University Instructor do is force a child to be on their back. We feel that it is absolutely vital that a child-centered, progressive approach is taken in swimming lessons.
Generally speaking, for back floating or back kicking, we use songs, natural progression and encourage parents to take their time. If the child is unhappy, sit them up. Then try again. But we want our Parent & Tot swim lessons full of HAPPY LEARNERS! Most importantly, we want infants, toddlers and young children to WANT to come to the pool–not fear it.
While using this approach, Swim Lessons University instruction shares all kinds of games and tricks that make trying new things fun. Today was a perfect example. In the video below, you will get to watch my 2-year old student, Abby, be the star of a new trick that I created today. I’m calling it–“NOW I SEE YOU, NOW I DON’T!”
As you watch the video below, you can see how I then incorporated progression into the little game by asking Abby to do one more second on each attempt once she was successful. It was almost magical the way she took to it! I was so happy that I had my waterproof camera right there to catch it on film and share it with you today. I wish you all the success with it too!
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim was the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us at
We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
Whether you are a swimming instructor or parent, when it comes to teaching infants and toddlers to swim–PLEASE choose your approach carefully. It is absolutely imperative that you really research the pros and cons of the teaching method before enrolling in an infant swimming program, especially one that may promise drown-proofing or mastering survival skills. These approaches can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening. Simply put, your baby’s (or student’s) life and emotional well-being is in YOUR hands.
Teaching an infant or toddler to swim can be done successfully in a naturally progressive, child-centered learning environment. One that is gentle and kind. It is my professional opinion that this is the ONLY method any responsible person should consider for a baby. We certainly want children to learn to swim for safety, but there is no iron-clad, guaranteed defense against drowning. There is no such thing as drown-proofing.
In fact, the Broward County Drowning Prevention Task Force in Florida published a program called Water Smart Babies. They created the program to help educate parents on how to best protect their children and keep them safer around the water. Water Smart Babies stresses that the parent is the most important factor and encourages parents to Follow the Safer 3, a layered approach to drowning prevention.
To keep infants and toddlers safer, parents should be taught to take every precaution when the child is in or around the water. Never let your guard down no matter how many lessons a toddler has taken or how many times they have shown the ability to swim. To keep children safer, we must combine learn-to-swim with as many layers of protection as possible, from touch supervision, to lifejackets, to fences, to self-closing gates, and pool alarms.
But you ask: What about those infant-survival skills that I’ve seen on YouTube? I believe former NDPA Executive Director Kim Burgess hit the nail on the head in the position statement for the Broward County Drowning Prevention Task Force, “The water-survival skills program make compelling videos for the internet, but no scientific study has yet demonstrated these classes are effective.”
The report also concludes that these types of programs place inexperienced swimmers in what he perceives as life or death situations.” If practiced repeatedly this places a child in a chronic stressful situation of “saving his life” every time he swims, which could detrimental to the child’s emotional and cognitive development.
Karen King, also referenced in the report, states: “Putting babies in life or death scenarios is not an acceptable teaching practice in swimming or any learning situation. It’s like showing a child a busy street, putting him IN the road, and watching to see if he makes it to the curb.” Do you see the cruelty and absurdity in this?
The bottom line is that the ultimate goal of teaching infant, toddlers and young children to swim is so that they love their swimming experience and learn to be safer in the water in the process. Like any other worthwhile skills, skill mastery is a process–not an event. Don’t be fooled!
Here is a short video example of what the Swim Lessons University “Parent & Tot” learn to swim program looks like.
Give a child a lifetime gift–teach a child to swim using a gentle, loving approach. An approach that has proven effective for not only my own three boys, but for the thousands and thousands of students who have safely learned to swim with a Swim Lessons University certified instructor.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
Today’s blog is in a Q & A Format, as I answer questions from a baby swimming teacher from Thailand:
Thailand Instructor: After almost 9 years experince babies and toddlers to swim in Asia, Australia, and UK I am looking to find the best method for submerge progress. What I trying to know is that babies from 3 to 11 months are capable to hold their breath without doing any conditioning or water pouring activities?
Swim Professor: Babies do have an Epiglottal Reflex (Gag Reflex) that is well defined at birth and diminishes over the first 12-18 months of life. So when water accidentally enters the mouth an involuntary spasm of the glottis and epiglottis occurs, keeping water out of the windpipe (trachea). This does NOT prevent water from entering the esophagus, which leads to the stomach. At Swim Lessons University, our official Parent & Tot course does not begin until 12 months of age, although we make exceptions to start as young as 9 months. There are three reasons:
1. The American Academy of Pediatrics new recommendation is that swimming lessons can start at 12 months of age.
2. We want a baby’s pediatrician to approve of the activity.
3. Babies under 12 months of age are very limited from a motor skill standpoint. This prevents them from mastering real swimming skills in a joyful, positive environment. Instead, we recommend our Bathtub Baby 101 Program.
Thailand Instructor: If we prepare babies with stimulus activity such as pouring water with a full cup over head or with sprinkle, do babies accustom to this activity every time when they come to pool? By pouring the a full cup of water will babies stop breathing? I experiment two different techniques. The first is pouring water over baby’s head and let baby know the verbal READY GO then gentle pull baby to self. In third class, after READY GO, i pause a second then submerge the baby. The result was good, no crying, no coughing it was just positive reaction.
Swim Professor: At Swim Lessons University, we use water-pouring activities ONLY as warm-up activity to get infants and toddlers comfortable with water on the face. Your “Ready Go” command is fine (we use 1, 2, 3, breath cue) BUT the key is that your start command is consistent. In other words, since our cue to the baby is “1, 2, 3, breathe” is the “signal” to the baby that we are going under water, we “condition” the baby “so to speak” that when they hear “1, 2, 3, breathe” that the submersion follows. Here is a video example of this:
HOWEVER, if the baby communicates that he is scared thru verbal or body language, we would NOT submerge the baby.
***ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: Just because a baby isn’t coughing or gagging DOES NOT mean that the baby isn’t drinking the water. This is one reason we think it is critical to go under water and watch the baby during submersions. In addition, we think it is important to limit the number of submersions you do with the baby over the course of a 25 minute lesson.
Thailand Instructor: In another technique, I did cup conditioning for two weeks. READY GO then pouring a full cup of water over baby’s head. Running the water fast and smooth only for a second (practice as long as baby was happy, 5 times). So, in third week when i hold the cup and i say the READY GO then suddenly baby reacts such as closing the eyes and intense face. I did submerge baby positively same as first one, but i relized that i have to do cup conditioning for before first submerge in every class.
Swim Professor: Again, I would just look at the “water pouring” as a warm-up activity during a song (as seen in the Parent & Tot DVD), not as part of the conditioning process. In addition, we don’t necessarily wait for a “certain number of classes” to let our toddlers perform breath holding or breath control activities. If the toddler is receptive to the skill on the first day and you are using a child-focused progression and common sense, you will find many toddlers are ready for facial immersion on the first day. On the other hand, any indication that the child is not ready should be the instructor’s sign to come back to it on perhaps the following class. All skills should be done at the child’s pace, NOT the parent’s or instructor’s.
Thailand Instructor: Would you please help to know more about holding breath progress and also about baby’s reflexes?
Swim Professor: Of course I discussed the Epiglottal Reflex earlier. In terms of breath holding, it’s all about the child’s readiness. In our Parent & Tot Certification Course, we cover this in detail. But we combine breath holding with the Surface Swim Progression. Here is a look at the first two steps of our 3-STAGE PROGRESSION:
Here is Stage One of a Surface Swim with 21-month old, Saylor. Watch how I keep my eyes on her face to ensure she is happy throughout the process, I never let her go, nor do I take her underneath the surface of the water. Humans swim at the surface, therefore, especially when you introduce swimming to young infants and toddlers you avoid taking them under the surface or dunking them. You gently place the face in the water after giving a 1-2-3 start command. Secondly, you bring them up for air when they are ready. Don’t overstay your welcome. Their facial expressions and their body language tells you everything you need to know in order to keep the task child-focused.
Here is Stage Two of the Surface Swim Progression. Notice how I watch my student under water ensuring each moment of the swim is a positive one. Now that Rex successfully performed stage two, he is ready for stage three which is the “pop-up breath.”
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim was the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us at
We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
According to the American Institute of Preventative Medicine, DROWNING is the leading cause of accidental death of children age 5 & under, and 2nd only to automobile accidents to children age 6-14. The number of children we lose every year to drowning is very troubling. Especially when we know that in most cases–drowning is preventable. One problem is that too many parents have the mindset that it can’t happen to them.
There are TWO REASONS for that:
Parents naturally OVERESTIMATE their child’s swimming ability.
Parents UNDERESTIMATE how quickly and quietly a child drowns.
While most people think that there would be water thrashing and a real struggle before someone drowns, that’s not how drowning looks or sounds at all. It’s not like in the movies, children drown without a sound. If a child can’t swim and doesn’t grab the wall, what would happen? Like any other drowning victim, would have one goal: Try to breathe. What would he breathe if his face was submerged? Water. So you would hear nothing. And in far too many cases, the toddler breathes in water, slips underwater, and within as little as 90 seconds he is unconscious. In as little as 2 minutes, even with the best resuscitation efforts, the outcome is not good, i.e., a parents worst nightmare, brain damage, even death.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
The goal of today’s blog is to give you insight on teaching breath control to infants and toddlers, including how and when to teach it and why and when you should leave the activity and come back to it on another day.
First of all, at Swim Lessons University, we strongly recommend that instructors wear goggles while teaching breath control to infants and toddlers. NEVER do consecutive dips if the child is not happy and getting his or her breath between dips. You can see earlier breath control videos where we only did one or two dips with Rex because that is what he was ready for, and he wasn’t ready for three or more. Each dip should be an individual attempt to successfully get the air exchange. The bottom line is to stay child-focused, and avoid “one more dip” for the sake of doing it. So how do you know if you should do another one dip? Your young students facial expressions, body language, and obvious level of comfort will answer that question every time.
Whatever you do–DON’T FORCE a dip when infant or toddler is communicating “no,” or you find the task to be upsetting him, even if he has done it before! This is precisely what causes “regression.” Make no mistake about it, it is not uncommon for a child who has performed a skill in previous classes or even earlier in the same class to get upset. If the infant or toddler is not up for the task at that point in time, let your experience do the talking and leave it alone until the next class. Parents and instructor need to accept that and understand that it is no uncommon and okay. When an instructor or parent pushes a skill on a young child “just because the child has done it before, you are setting the child up for more of the sameor worse the next time you meet because you would be reinforcing a negative experience. The result of pushing an activity on a child that is upsetting him for whatever reason, is he will often start to associate negative, unhappy feelings with the task at hand or even the pool all together. That is a path that you don’t want to take.
As Mr. Roger’s used to sing: ” I like to take my time, I mean, when I want to do a thing, I like to take my time to do it right. I mean I just might make mistakes if I should have to hurry up, I like to take my time to do it right.” Take Mr. Roger’s advice. Take your time and do it right!
Here is a video of example of doing it right:)
For step-by-step information on how to teach infants and toddlers to swim, check out Swim Lesson University’s “Parent and Tot” Video Course. This 90-minute video is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to teaching infants and toddlers to swim in a progressive, but child-centered environment.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
As the young toddler demonstrates his confidence is increasing, he is becoming more relaxed in the swim, and his kick is beginning to provide some propulsion, it is time then to move to Stage Two of the Surface Swim progression. This stage will help take his level of competence to another level. This doesn’t happen overnight, and be prepared to give plenty of child-focused practice opportunities in all stages of learning, always putting the child’s happiness and willingness to perform the skills FIRST.
“CHILD HAPPINESS FIRST–TASK MASTERY SECOND!” All Swim Lessons University Instructors are trained using this philosophy as the cornerstone of success for the child first, and the program second. At SLU, we believe toddlers and young children can learn to swim and be safer in the water without a forceful, negative approach. The approach can be progressive, but children should progress at their pace so they not only learn to swim, but that they learn to both respect and love the water. Now back to Stage Two…
During Stage Two as seen in the video below, you can see that the INSTRUCTOR GOES UNDERWATER HIMSELF wearing goggles so he can OBSERVE THE TODDLER EVER SO CLOSELY. The moment the toddler appears that he is ready to come up for a breath (in this case the 24 month old lifts his head on his own), the instructor calmly and gently assists him so that he can easily get his breath, avoiding the chance of him taking in any water. This is Stage Two and plenty of time should be spent on it before moving to Stage Three where we introduce the “Pop up Breath.” Since this child demonstrated he is capable of lifting the head for a breath after swimming with the face down for several seconds, this is a great indicator he is ready to move to Stage Three and learn the Pop-up Breath. If the instructor needs to assist the child from the face down position, it may be better to continue with stage two since he simply may not be physically strong enough or skilled enough to start on stage three.
I sure hope this video and blog help you and or your staff! But please know these are just glimpses of the footage and instruction you will see in the 2nd Edition of the new Parent & Tot Instructor Training DVD
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
At Swim Lessons University, we take infants and toddlers through a child-focused, individual and naturally paced progression. Here is Stage One of the “Surface Swim,” where you can watch me help 21-month old, Saylor get comfortable with this first step in the learn to swim process.
There are two topics that are critical that I would like to point out:
First watch how I go under water, wearing my favorite Finis goggles, and keep my eyes on Saylor’s face to ensure she is happy throughout the process. I never let her go, nor do I take her under the water. Humans swim at the surface. Therefore, when you introduce swimming to young infant and toddlers, it is especially important that you avoid taking them under the surface or and avoid dunking them. You gently place the face in the water after giving a 1-2-3 start command.
Secondly, watch how I bring Saylor up for air as soon as I sense she is ready. Don’t overstay your welcome. Their facial expressions and their body language tells you everything you need to know in order to keep the task child-focused.
Once your student becomes comfortable enough with stage one, you take them to stage two where you actually let them go and let them propel themselves through the water. Nevertheless, you are underwater with your goggles on and ready to help them to the surface as soon as you see they are ready. All three stages can be found in Swim Lessons University’s comprehensive video course for training and certifying swimming instructors, “Parent and Tot” – How To Teach Toddlers to Swim.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
* please note that the video taken is not a Swim Lessons University or Swim Lessons Company program. It is random footage that WIS pulled to use as a visual.
A Parent writes after having taken 8 lessons (4 hours of instruction with her 15 month old):
My 15 month old son and I just took the parent and me class with Coach M. Each day was a repeat of the same thing we had done each day prior. I guess my point is to ask you, what were we supposed to be doing in class, and what is the most you can get out of the parent and me class? My son is extremely active, strong, and very comfortable with water. Is familiarity with water the only thing we were supposed to achieve, or was there more? Again I am not trying to complain, I really just wanted an answer if you have the time. I appreciate it.
Thank you,
Dear C.P.,
It is hard to give a true assessment without seeing your class… But here are my thoughts:
Yes, the routine shouldn’t change. Children need that consistency in approach to make progress because not only of their age, but also because the improvement depends on practicing that particular skill. For example: It’s like deciding you’re going to be a runner, but then instead of running to get in shape for the marathon you start playing tennis. Do you see what I mean? Like running, in order to learn the skill of swimming, you need to run, run, and run some more, and you won’t be ready for that marathon in 4 hours. You can think of many other examples. Here’s one more: You want your child to learn to play your favorite song on the piano. If he’s going to learn to play that song, not only will he need to practice that song often and regularly, he will need to repeat a variety of exercises to help him achieve that goal. And yes, it will take longer than 4 hours of instruction. Learning to swim is no different.
Now let’s talk about the skills we are teaching in Parent & Tot. There are progressions for every skill, but as teachers we have to make a judgment on whether or not the child is ready for the next step in the progression. At 15 months, it may take several weeks before we determine the child is ready to take that next step and you CAN’T force it. IF we do, we take the chance of going backwards and turning the child off to the lesson all together.
For instance, if the Coach M. tries to do three dolphin dips (breath control exercise) even though the toddler’s body language, facial expressions, etc. are saying “no” then she could cause the child to regress instead of progress, and potentially create a negative experience. If the child appears ready for the third dip, then Coach M. should do it. I can’t say either way without seeing it, but Coach M. knows her job and she has taught hundreds of toddlers to swim.
The same goes with the back kicking, surface swim with the face in the water, and the safety skills. They are repeated every lesson. They have to be if the child is going to improve on it, but within each skill, there is a progression that the instructor has to determine whether or not to go the the next step of the progression, based on the child’s readiness–NOT the instructor’s or parent’s desire to advance them. At 15 months, it is a great time to start developing all these skills, and the skills and activities MUST be repeated in order for the child to improve them. Children are limited to what they can do by their age, experience, and motor development. Here is a blog I wrote that may help in determining what skills toddlers are “capable” of mastering, but each child is unique, and each child needs to be treated as an individual. There are so many factors in addition to age that go into the process of whether or not a child is ready to move on in a skill progression. And that is what our instructors are trained to do.
I do think Coach M. is a great teacher. I can’t say with certainty whether or not your son should have accomplished more or not. It may or may not be a case of high expectations or it may be a case where Coach M. took a more conservative approach based on what she felt was best for your son. I do know Coach M. would do just that. I look forward to talking to you more.
Coach Jim
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiserthe recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).
First off, we NEVER float babies against their will. It’s simply not worth turning them off to the water, which is most often the result when you take the enjoyment out of the learn-to-swim experience. If you do stay child-focused, most infant and toddlers will take to it. Children can learn other potentially lifesaving skills too, like getting back to the side of the pool if they fell in the water, which doesn’t require them to be on their back. We think it is so important that swimming instructors are not overly aggressive or insistent that a child masters a particular skill. At this young age, children should be closely supervised at all times no matter what, and there should be numerous layers of protection when it comes to water safety. If parents can make sure their toddlers stay off a busy street, they can also ensure they don’t end up in a swimming pool without supervision.
At Swim Lessons University, our Certified Swimming Instructors introduce back floating and kicking using a “cheek-to-cheek” support with the child’s head on the parent’s shoulder. In this first video, I want you to notice how I use the “cheek to cheek” hold and put my student Rex in a nice horizontal body position. On the other hand, my other student Kamryn is not very horizontal nor is she feeling her body’s buoyancy. Now this is MY RESPONSIBILITY to correct. I need to a better job teaching Kamryn’s father to get her in a horizontal position like Rex so she too can feel the water floating her. Take a look:
I always stress that the best hold is the one that gives the student just enough support to be successful.
Within in a few weeks, you can progress to what I am doing in this next video IF the child is ready. This is Baby Rex’s very first time floating without my support. I think it is critical for the safety of the child that you don’t allow water to continue to get on the face, in the mouth, etc. If that is occurring frequently, not only do you starting taking the fun out of it, but you are also putting the child at risk. Notice how closely I watch Rex’s face and the water, and as soon as it appears he is going to try and sit up or that his body position is going to cause water to get on the face, I resume my support, sit him up, and praise him.
With continued practice and instruction, this skill will naturally improve. Don’t expect it all at once. And don’t be surprised if there are days when your student doesn’t want to be on his/her back at all. Stay child-focused and keep the experience positive. About two weeks after the above video was shot, Rex kicked on his back all the way around a small lazy river (probably about 35-50 yards) in Myrtle Beach’s Dune’s Village Water Park because HE WANTED TO! I just walked with him and enjoyed watching him have fun with it. The next day, however, he didn’t want to be on his back at all (to my surprise), until he saw his 3.5 year old brother kicking on his back! And BINGO…Rex wanted to do it too! And he did.
The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiserthe recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim. Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.
Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!
You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).