The Swim Professor

Jim Reiser, M.S.

Reiser Selected to Speak at Washington Recreation & Park Conference in May

As the Washington Recreation & Park Association celebrates 70 years, Jim Reiser has been selected to be their lead presenter in the aquatics track of the WRPA Annual Conference in Spokane, Washington.  Jim will give two talks on Wednesday, May 3, 2017:

  • 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM   You Can Teach Like a Pro!  Proven Techniques to Maximize Your Effectiveness
  • 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM       Preschoolers Can Swim!  How to Teach Young Children More Effectively

Reiser, who was recently honored by the International Swimming Hall of Fame with the prestigious Virginia Hunt Newman Award, had this to say about the honor:

“Any time that I have the opportunity to share, especially in a setting like this, it’s such an amazing feeling.  To know that I not only have the ability to help those in the conference room, but to realize that there is an amazing trickle-down effect.  That’s what really makes me passionate about speaking. When I prepare my talks, I am not just preparing for the audience.  I am preparing to potentially help hundreds and hundreds of children receive better swimming instruction, and most importantly, become safer in and around the water.  It gives me goosebumps every time,” said Reiser. 

This will be Jim Reiser’s second speaking engagement in 2017.  “The Swim Professor” will be presenting for the North Carolina State Aquatics Conference in March (details coming soon) and he has several other potential speaking appearances in the works.   For a complete list of Mr. Reiser’s upcoming and recent speaking engagements,  check out the Conference Schedule link on the Swim Lessons University website.   There is also a link provided with more information on the WRPA Annual Conference if you would like to consider attending.

Would you like Jim Reiser to speak at your next event?  Email or call 1-866-498-SWIM (7946) for availability!


The International Swimming Hall of Fame has named Jim Reiser the recipient of the 2015 Virginia Hunt Newman Award for his curriculum and approach in teaching infants, toddlers, and children to swim.  Jim is the first American to win the award in 10 years.

If you would like to learn more about the Swim Lessons University certification program and curriculum, make sure to visit us at  We have training and certification programs designed for both private instructors as well as organizations like YMCAs, Recreation Departments, Athletic Clubs, and more.

Swim Lessons University is currently being utilized by recreation departments, YMCAs, America Camp Association swim lessons programs, as well as by private swimming instructors in 45 states and over 30 countries!

You can also call us toll free at 1-866-498-SWIM (7946).

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January 18, 2017 at 4:17 am Comments (0)

Chicago Swim Instructor Training

Swim Instructors, Aquatic Directors, and Learn-to-swim professionals can now take advantage of the next Swim Lessons University “One-Day” Conference. This affordable event for swim teachers will feature four information-packed, entertaining talks featuring BRAND NEW VIDEO FOOTAGE throughout the Swim Professor’s power point presentations.

The topics covered in those presentations are as follows:

Talk #1: TEACH LIKE A PRO! The Foundations of Teaching Using Sound Pedagogy Principles.

Talk #2: NO MORE TEARS! Secrets to Teaching Parent & Tot Lessons using a Progressive, Child-Centered Approach.

Talk #3: PRE-SCHOOLERS CAN SWIM! An Innovative, Child-Centered Approach that Creates a Lifelong Love of the Water.


What do attendees say after the event?  Take a look for yourself!  These comments were copied directly from the Swim Lessons University Facebook page from three recent events:

Jane Garvey-Reilly Elder   As a participant in the workshop yesterday, I concur that the information beautifully delivered was bountiful. Albeit I have taught swimming since 1967, I shall be delighted to incorporate these novel ideas concerning delivery to my young students!

Charlotte Boswell Hoolihan   Great presentations at your workshop at the ASCA World Clinic in New Orleans, LA. Thank you for all of your insight!

Stacy Warren   Invaluable information today Jim! Thank you for coming to Sacramento!

Questions?  Call Swim Lessons University TOLL FREE at 1-866-498-7946 or email Jim Reiser at today!

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January 8, 2014 at 1:57 pm Comments (0)

Swim Lessons University Super Conference: Tricks to Making Swim Lessons More Fun!

Just finished final preparations for my second talk at the Swim Lessons University Super Conference in Indianapolis and Las Vegas.   Take a sneak preview of what will be addressed and swim lesson ideas in the talk titled:

Tricks to Making Swim Lessons More Fun!

  • A Funny Preschool Story
  • Characteristics of Preschoolers
  • Your evaluation of the Surprise Video
  • Role Playing Activity
  • A new idea for you to try!
  • Video samples of techniques that work
  • Motivational award ideas
  • Why my “most praised teacher” wouldn’t make my “All-time” TOP 10 List?!?!
  • Differences in approaches to teaching beginners shared on video
  • An example for you to listen to . . .
  • Discipline Strategies
  • Loving Punishments vs. Power Punishments

I hope you will join me to hear “the rest of the story” at the Swim Lessons University Super Conference in Indianapolis or Las Vegas.  Register now for just $75 and receive 5 FREE Online Tests & Certificate programs ($50 value) PLUS MUCH MORE!

Trust me, I am making this conference worth your while!  Register today at

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August 25, 2010 at 11:25 pm Comments (0)

Swim Lessons University Super Conference: Swim Lesson Ideas & Infant-Toddler Swimming

Just finished final preparations for my first talk in at the Swim Lessons University Super Conference in Indianapolis and Las Vegas.   Take a sneak preview of what will be addressed and swim lesson ideas in the talk titled:  Infant-Toddler Swimming:  Practical Benchmarks and Progressions

  • Brand new benchmarks for Infants & Toddlers
  • 3 Types of Infant-Toddler Swimming Lessons
  • How your product will determine your success
  • Should your lessons involve crying?
  • VIDEO FOOTAGE of my Parent & Me classes including some that NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE!
  • What parents KNOW (and what they DON’T KNOW!)
  • A waste of time?
  • Is the next Michael Phelps in your class?
  • What parents need to know
  • Educating your Swim Lesson parents
  • A personal email to Jim Reiser

I hope you will join me to hear “the rest of the story” at the Swim Lessons University Super Conference in Indianapolis or Las Vegas.  Register now for just $75 and receive 5 FREE Online Tests & Certificate programs ($50 value) PLUS MUCH MORE!

Trust me, I am making this conference worth your while!  Register today at

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August 15, 2010 at 3:26 pm Comments (0)

Can Social Networking Help YOU? Facebook, Twitter, etc.

So can YOU or YOUR business benefit from Social Networking? Are you resisting the idea of Facebook, Twitter, blogging, etc.? Technology changes are always hard for me and I was resistant at first too.   In fact, I have been only using twitter for a few weeks but I have been trained in it now and I am confident of the benefits.

The best news about it is that . . . it’s FREE!   MOST IMPORTANTLY, in my mind, it’s the BEST REFERRAL PROGRAM ever invented.   I expect our enrollment to increase because of the way we are using it.

For my local business, I focus on getting local news coverage which is free, and I advertise and pay about $400 per month to be in a Parent magazine.  In addition,  I have a small listing in the yellow pages (which is almost a dinosaur),  and do several children exhibits, water safety talks at schools and libraries, etc..  But over the years I have drastically reduced my advertising budget (I have done radio, TV, billboards, other magazines, newspaper, etc.)  and have eliminated most of them.   I really depend on customer referrals which has improved from our in-house “customer loyalty” training program which leads me back to social networking.

There’s no better advertising than a referral from one friend to another.  The “trust” barrier is almost eliminated from the start and presto: you have a new student!     The hard part about referrals is while your swim parents may love you, they are not going to walk around with a “sign on their chest” promoting you.  With facebook, it is easier and more comfortable to tell all their friends about you!  It’s actually quite exciting and amazing when you see how your “friends” or “followers” begin to multiply.

Sounding tempting yet?  Get this, as of 2009, Facebook had over 250 million users and that number is growing rapidly!   If you haven’t used facebook before, it is very user-friendly and it won’t take you long for you to see and understand the benefits.

What I have learned to be most important about twitter is that what I “tweet” is informative and worthwhile.  This way your customers will “want” to stay in touch with you.   For Swim Lessons University, I am tweeting to swim teachers, both my local teachers here at The Swim Lessons Company in SC and Swim Lessons University teachers from all over the world in over 20 different countries who are using my teacher training DVD’s, lesson plans, online testing program, etc.   Now with Twitter and Facebook, I can give back by “tweeting” a TEACHING TIP A DAY from Twitter or Facebook or both!  So when my followers get my tweet (which is simultanously posted of facebook), all those signed up can receive a useful teaching tip every day that will help them with their teaching.   Because the information is useful, valuable, and even personable, it is an invaluable training resource to my staff and yours, and it takes just 5 seconds a day to read!   I have listed below some of my recent tweets I have done via facebook with my blackberry that go directly to twitter.  Here you can see what I’m talking about in terms of tweeting info. swim teachers want:

  1. When demonstrating a skill to beginners, demonstrate your swim toward them so you can be sure your students are safe throughout your demo.. about 4 hours ago via Facebook
  2. Demonstrate not only when a skill is new, but also demonstrate to help the learner better understand and refine the skill. 8:14 AM Jul 21st via Facebook
  3. As per Parent and Me, 101, and 201 DVDs–hold the legs just below the knees and keep legs just under surface with fast up + down action. 3:14 PM Jul 20th via Facebook
  4. Just witnessed a good SLU teacher manipulating the legs incorrectly for the freestyle kick. 3:12 PM Jul 20th via Facebook
  5. #1 When you demonstrate, focus your students on one aspect of the skill at a time to avoid information overload. 11:45 AM Jul 20th via Facebook
  6. To “Teach Like a Pro,” demonstate skills to your students often! Specific tips on demonstrations coming all week! 11:43 AM Jul 20th via Facebook
  7. I posted a new photo to Facebook 12:44 PM Jul 19th via Facebook
  8. How WARM and GENUINE will your “welcomes and goodbyes” be today? Goes a long way in developing “customer loyalty.” 12:18 PM Jul 19th via Facebook
  9. Don’t forget to use “Choral Responding” when you teach cues: i.e., “Repeat after me: Breathe (breathe) stroke… 11:37 AM Jul 17th via Facebook
  10. It’s a boy! Rex Douglas Reiser. 7 lbs 4 oz. 5:42 AM Jul 16th via Facebook
  11. I just wrote and posted a blog on “Developmental Characteristics of a 2 year old at 2:28 PM Jul 15th via Facebook
  12. According to the ARC, one in every four people will be in a situation where someone needs CPR. Make sure you know it! 8:54 AM Jul 15th via Facebook
  13. Baby Reiser #3 should be born around 7:30AM Friday! Thank you for your prayers for a healthy baby and safe delivery:) 3:06 PM Jul 14th via Facebook
  14. Normal Mental Development for a 7 year old: wants to be “first,” “best,” “perfect,” “correct” in everything! 11:02 AM Jul 14th via Facebook
  15. BBC Kids 9:05 AM Jul 14th via Facebook
  16. A great show for toddlers and preschoolers is called “Rosie and Jim”. The older episodes with Niel (vs. John)are… 9:05 AM Jul 14th via Facebook
  17. Also latest SLU newsletter has been just emailed. Not signed up? go to to get your free ezine! 1:15 PM Jul 13th via Facebook
  18. Just posted several hundred new classes for The Swim Lessons Co. “Indian Summer session” via our fantastic registration program! 1:13 PM Jul 13th via Facebook
  19. Routine in your lessons eases the anxiety just the same and makes it easier everyday! 4:46 PM Jul 12th via Facebook
  20. After we go to everyone in the families bed my wife heather reads him a book and says “night, night’ 4:45 PM Jul 12th via Facebook
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July 22, 2010 at 3:14 pm Comments (0)

Register now for the Swim Lessons University Super Conference

The Swim Lessons University Super Conference is a one-day, information packed event with an EARLY BIRD RATE of just $75.00 (the rate will increase 30 days prior to the event).   Don’t miss out on Jim’s enthusiastic delivery of four state-of-the art presentations featuring video and power point content that you can actually take home and put to use in your swim school!

Plus–the SLU Conference is conveniently held the day before two other great conferences you may want to attend:

  • ASCA World Clinic: You could attend the ASCA Conference in Indianapolis during the SLU Conference.  The SwimAmerica portion is held on Saturday.  Call Julie Nitti at ASCA to register at 1-800-356-2722  for more information.  ASCA Clinic Registration is $380 prior to July 31st, $400 on site.
  • US Swim School Conference: You could attend the U.S. Swim School Association’s conference on the Wednesday following the SLU Conference in Las Vegas thru USSSA.   Registration is $450 thru September 11th, and then increases to $600 on September 12th.  Call Holly Holmes at 480-837-5525.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Indianapolis, IN

Embassy Suites Indianapolis – Downtown

110 West Washington Street

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204
Tel: 1-317-236-1800

*ask for Swim Lessons University group rate of $149 which includes Hot Breakfast Buffet & Free Happy Hour Drinks!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas Hilton

3000 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 89109

*ask for Swim Lessons University group rate of $109.00. Mention the group code “SGSWIMO”

“The Swim Professor” speaks:

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Teaching Babies Better


10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Tricks to Making Learning More Fun for Preschoolers


12:05 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch Break

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM More Effective Ways to Teach Skills, Strokes, & Progressions


3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Secrets to Growing Your Swim School


Register Online  & GET the Early Bird Rate of just $75.00!

PLUS register this week and receive five (5) FREE Online certification programs (a $50 value)!

Register at Swim Lessons University or call 1-866-498-7946

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June 28, 2010 at 5:57 pm Comments (0)

Did You Hear Colin Cowerd’s Rant about Coach Disrupting Chemistry?

When I have a chance I really like to listen to “The Herd” on ESPN radio.   In fact, now that I get it on cable I will record it and even watch it when I’m winding down at the end of a long day.   Recently the radio show’s host Colin Cowerd talked about how the Utah Jazz coach made a mistake by disrupting the team’s chemistry in the middle of what was appearing to be a big comeback.   Utah was making this comeback with a group of back-ups who were playing really well together.  However, once a starter or two went back in the game, the comeback died.  Very interesting, I thought.

How does this apply to our swim schools?  Do you have a staff that works well together? Or have you ever had a staff where you had one or two “bad apples” that brought the rest of your team of instructors down?  Or cause friction?  Or jealousy?

I almost had that this year myself.   I had two teachers that were causing problems within their first month of employment.  My solution:  Get them off the schedule as quickly as possible!   How can you not?  They can literally destroy the continuity of your staff, set precedents you don’t want set, and give you a summer full of headaches you don’t need, or even ruin that BIG COMEBACK you were about to make!

Let me tell you about my two “bad apples:”

Employee #1, we’ll call Logan.  She was actually doing a good job teaching.  She had a strong work ethic and the children seemed to like her.   So where was the problem?  For one, she “thought” she was the best thing since the invention of the light bulb.  She thought she was irreplaceable and could do no wrong.  By the way, we all have some terrific employees, I know I do and when they leave I absolutely hate to see them go—but they can all be replaced.  I can go back through the years and give you numerous examples of employees for every year that I have been in business that I loved and hated to see them move on.  I wanted them on my staff forever.   But I can also tell you about employees that I have right now who are every bit as fantastic.

Back to Logan.  To put the icing on the cake, she was so “above” everyone else including me that she actually refused to call me to discuss her summer employment plans because “school came first” and she was busy studying.   This all started when she replied to a text I sent her and she said that she needed at least 30 hours or she needed to look for a second job.  Red flag #2!   Where is her commitment level at for the lessons I was about to schedule her for thru mid June?   So I simply asked for a contract thru at least June 15 so that I could have the peace of mind that when class started, the children would have a teacher.  When I asked for the commitment, she replied “I love this job” BUT “I’m still looking for another job” via text message.  I replied, “I want to talk to you so I can get a better feel where we stand.”  Again, another text, I can’t talk.  I’m in the library studying for a test.   I replied, “I need 5 minutes.”  I was leaning toward giving her the benefit of the doubt if I could hear what her plans with the other job were and knew we had an understanding. So I sent her another text, “I am putting Summer One classes online at midnight tonight and I need to talk to you before I do that.”   No call.  Can you believe she was shocked when she wasn’t on the schedule?   I hope she found that other job she wanted!  When you have an employee not willing to call you back to discuss their commitment, it spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E!  No matter how well she teaches, you’re business and team of instructors are better off without her.

Employee #2, we’ll call Judy, was doing a decent job teaching BUT was as LAZY as they come.  In training just a few weeks ago, I stressed to my staff that if they did not have a class, they needed to at least “look busy.”  Help another teacher with their class, hose the deck, organize the equipment, etc.   The week after training she was sunbathing while on the clock.  I reminded her of what we went over and she said she understood.   One week later, same observation, and then the next week, complaints about her started coming in from my other employees including the deck supervisor.  Not to mention a few weeks earlier she agreed to work to help clean up the pool, do a little light landscape work, etc. as we prepared to open our outdoor pool.   I had 6 different teachers helping that day.  She stood out as being one who didn’t want to be there (though she wanted the pay), did as little as possible, and the jobs she did do were well below average (to be nice).  Where do you think she is working now?  I don’t know but I can tell you this, it’s not with us!

The truth is I really don’t like to “let go” of teachers.  To me, it’s a very difficult thing to do.  But when your gut tells you there’s something wrong and it’s only going to get worse, you have to do what’s best for your family and your business.  Before you “let someone go,” make sure you know the laws.  Make sure you have clearly explained your expectations in a training session and manual, and be certain to record the problems as they begin to occur.  As an employer, you need to protect yourself.   Make sure to do background checks.   Know the type of people you are hiring to the best of your ability.  I just heard of a business owner in my hometown that fired a guy and the guy who got fired turned around and set his home on fire and burned it to the ground!   Obviously that is an extreme case, but there are some mean, cruel people out there who really don’t care about you or your family at all.  Hopefully that guy will get locked up for a long time!

Hiring, selection, and training programs is a critical part of your business.   Hope some of these stories and tips help you.

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May 12, 2010 at 6:38 pm Comments (0)

Breaking News! SLU Awards Bracelet & Water Safety System is available to YOU!

Get your students and parents hooked with the Swim Lessons University Bracelet System!   Instantly recognize and reward your students by punching out the star besidethe skill you just taught your pupil with our handy ¼” star puncher!

Parents and children will absolutely love the way you will reward them for their progress!  Not only will parents appreciate how you are teaching their child, but also there is even more to be excited about!  Here are just a few of the unique features:

  • It’s fast & immediate! The reward for progress is immediate, which leads to motivated students.
  • It’s motivational! Students are sure to give their best in order to earn more stars and eventually a new bracelet.
  • It’s convenient! You don’t have to get out of the pool to print card, stamp certificates, etc.  Simply punch out the star beside the abbreviated skill.
  • It’s a time-saver! No more long, tedious testing days.  You update progress bracelets as progress occurs!
  • It’s a lifesaver! The water safety component helps educate parents about how to protect their children.

Most importantly, the Swim Lessons University Awards Bracelets allows you to focus on doing what you love most—teaching children to swim and making them safer in and around the water.

For details on how it works, the safety component, what skills are abbreviated on each bracelet, and on HOW TO ORDER the Swim Lessons University Awards Bracelets for your students or swim school, visit Swim Lessons University today!

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April 21, 2010 at 7:02 pm Comments (0)

American Swimming Coaches Association announces Learn to Swim Clinic in Washington, DC

Mark your calendars for April 10th, 2010 to attend a terrific  one day conference.   The clinic will be held near Washington, DC in Gaithersburg, Maryland and costs just $49.00!

Speakers include

  • Jim Reiser, “The Swim Professor” &  founder of Swim Lessons University
  • Steve Fenning, Owner of Vero Beach FL SwimAmerica
  • Steve Haufler, Head Coach of the Orinda Country Club/Head Coach Orinda Aquatics.

What will you learn  and what is the schedule like?

9:00 – 10:00             Jim Reiser “Teaching Babies Better”

10:15 – 11:15          Steve Fenning “Teaching Beginners Freestyle and Backstroke”

11:30 – 12:30          Steve Haufler “Teaching Butterfly and Breaststroke”

12:30 – 1:30             Lunch Break

1:30 – 2:30               Jim Reiser “Presenting a Water Safety Lesson”

Pool Demonstrations

2:45 – 3:45               Steve Haufler “Teaching of Butterfly and Breaststroke”

4:00 – 5:00               Steve Fenning “Teaching of Freestyle and Backstroke”

Location:  Quince Orchard Swim & Tennis Club, 16601 Roundabout Drive, Gaithersburg, MD  20875.

For more information or to register, call Julie Nitti at 1-800-356-2722!

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January 6, 2010 at 8:22 pm Comments (0)

Swim Lessons University’s YouTube DVD Sample of How to Teach Butterfly is now online!

Watch 7 minutes of sample video from Jim Reiser’s brand new BUTTERFLY 301 DVD!

In Butterfly 301, ” The Swim Professor” shares with swim teachers a new, innovative approach to teaching butterfly to young children, while sharing sound teaching principals throughout the butterfly swim lesson presentation.

You can either click on the link below or paste it in your browser to get an “inside look” at my brand new video!

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December 2, 2009 at 6:49 pm Comments (0)

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